Posted by SarahG | 0 comments

~deep thoughts~

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usRight now while trying to create something to post here in my blog i did some reflection to myself. What did i do this day? ah oo nga pala, I'm a bit harsh this morning when every time i say something about a person i really have something to comment on them, i realize better before i criticize them, i'll try to put myself 1st muna on their shoes, and see for myself on why did they do those things :( i feel bad.

So to avoid criticizing somebody i'll do nothing, say nothing, be nothing na lng. hmmm...but some of the comments i throw could also be considered constructive criticism and gives a sense of relief also for blurting it out in my mouth, finally nailabas ko rin yung nasa isip ko lng.

I guess better take life less personal para if ever ako naman ang I criticize, i could not take it personally total as long as i do what i feel is right, i'll still be criticize pa rin naman eh.

ok, thats all for now.ciao!!!