Posted by SarahG | 1 comments

Lyndon Russ, Wednesday, July 28, 2004:

Sarah Jean.......who is she??? :) well
well she is a very nice person tender
loving care :) I'm perhaps one of the
lucky persons that had the chance to get
to know her. She possess a unique way
of living life in a simple way in which I
admire......Your not going to have a dull
moment when your with sarah..aside
from shes cute and lovely....... she is a
good listener and best of all she loves
CHICKEN heheheheh!!! Thanks for
being my friend......Kailangn pa pala me
to go to Digos to meet someone like
you:).....just always remember i'm
here...Friends for life:)


SarahG said...

U dis s my hubby's testimonial while we are still frens...
Thanks for the honest testi dear...