Posted by SarahG | 0 comments

Are you an e-mail idiot?You're a genius!

When it comes to e-mail, there are two kinds of people: the ones who get it and the ones who don't. The ones who don't are easily recognizable, since you probably get e-mail forwards, viruses, and irrelevant messages from them all the time. Or wait...are you one of them? Take our quiz to find out if you have e-mail smarts or if it's time to smarten up.

You're a genius!
Do you have any idea how hard it is to find someone who's mastered e-mail the way you have? You practice safe e-mailing; you use clear, concise language in text and subject lines; you're a judicious forwarder (if you ever forward at all); and you have excellent electronic manners. If you could spread your genius to others (but not in mass-produced e-mail), we'd appreciate it.