Posted by SarahG | 0 comments

Ladydune's come back in blogging

Wow I could not believe I could still get back after more than 2 years of being absent in this blog...I thought I could no longer use this account and must start from scratch, the good thing is that I finally found a way to revive and retrieve this old account. Whew!

Surely have missed to write and share a lot of my experiences and memories in here but I am hoping that by this time i could fill with lots of things to express in this blog may it be just a simple thought or feelings, and that I could somehow develop my writing skills...

I consider this blog as my medium to express myself and to share more about myself and everything thats going on around me. That someday, I could read the pages of my blog and smile and remember once again the good and bad memories of my fruitful years...

I've been thinking how to manage this blog well and arrange in such a way that it would not look like a clutter.

For sure in the next few days with a constant visits to my blog, I could somehow create a more user friendly blog not just for me but also for my readers and commentators(praise or criticisms).

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