Posted by SarahG | 0 comments

Top 8 New Year's Resolutions

1. Spend More Time with Family & Friends
Make more plans to grow the relationship stronger and bonding time with family and friends must come first before work.

2. Fit in Fitness
The evidence shows, so it needs more than just a resolution but a strong commitment to really keep myself a healthy and improved lifestyle.
3. Tame the Bulge
Change starts within me, so in order for me to lose some bulges, i must stay focus on losing weight and same time be reasonable in my eating habits.
4. Enjoy Life More
Given the hectic stressful lifestyle I have, it is no wonder that I am really looking forward to enjoy life once in awhile, i guess this is also one way of living healthy and happier.
5. Get Out of Debt
Start to handle my finances and budget it wisely. Live within the means.
6. Learn Something New
Read more self learning books, or enroll to short courses like baking, cooking, transcription,etc. It really helps grow confidence on oneself.
7.Help Others
Donate some clothes no longer in need for the least fortunate people.
8.Get Organized
Organized mindset for the home and the office, so I could work and plan well my activities listed above.

I'm excited and same time a bit challenge for the self resolutions I made for the year 2009. Hoping with God's help, I could keep this resolutions and make a change for myself this coming year.

Happy New Year!