Posted by SarahG | 1 comments

"Change Your Life" tips

Follow these "Change Your Life" tips to lose
weight, improve your nutrition and help stay slim

1. Set Multiple Goals: Instead of setting an
intimidating, unrealistic goal like "I will lose
20 pounds by Christmas," set small, achievable
goals like, "I will lose from 2 to 5 pounds this
month by following my plan and exercising."

2. Re-set Your Goals: Each time you achieve your
goal, give yourself a (non-food!) reward like a
massage or tickets to your favorite team's next
game, and then set another goal.

3. Step by Step: Each week, change ONE food habit
to a healthier one. Do this every week. For
example, change from whole milk to 2-percent milk
this week. Next week, change to 1-percent milk;
the next week try nonfat.

4. Your Diet: Dieting doesn't end when you lose
all the weight you want to lose. Your diet is what
keeps you slim, and needs to be healthy,
personalized to your needs.

5. Don't Be Fooled: Read nutrition labels, and
ignore the pretty pictures. Just because there's a
picture of fruit on the package doesn't mean there
is fruit in the package. Some examples of this
misleading packaging are fruit roll-ups, fruit
juice drinks, and cereals like Fruit Loops.

6. Great Start: Eat a non-sweet or just slightly
sweetened cereal every morning for breakfast.
Kashi GoLean, Shredded Wheat, Bran Flakes and
Total are good choices. So is hot oatmeal.

7. De-Stress: Reduce stress and increase immunity
by getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and
eating a nutrient-rich diet including fresh fruits
and vegetables.

8. New Brew: Drink green tea instead of coffee for
a mid-morning pick-me-up: it may have
immunity-boosting properties.

9. Light Dinner: Have a salad for dinner. Add a
can of wild salmon to a bag of mixed greens. Add a
cup each of chopped tomato, onion, cucumber,
broccoli, shredded carrots and any other crunchy
vegetable you like.

10. Sweet Promise: Swear off all sweetened bottled
beverages forever. Soda, sweetened teas and
bottled juice drinks are empty calories in a
bottle and are linked to increased rates of obesity.

11. Pop Corn: Invest in a hot air popcorn popper.
It's just as quick as microwave popcorn, and it
makes a fiber-rich, guilt-free snack without trans
fat or cholesterol.

12. Abstain: Swear off all fried foods for the
next month. Bake, broil, grill or saut with
broth, wine or water in a nonstick pan. You'll
find that you won't miss fried, forever.

13. Powerful Rule: Adopt "on the side, please" as
your rule when dining out. This applies to salad
dressing, sauces and gravies.

14. Code for Calories: "Crispy" and "crunchy" are
code words for added sugar and/or fat to packaged
products. Buy the original versions.

15. Neutral: Food is not bad or good. Food doesn't
have human qualities. Food is either healthy, or
fatty, or high in fiber, or high in calories.
Choose based on your goals.

16. Stop Now: Resign from the Clean Plate Club.
Eat as much as you need, and if you're full, then
stop and take the rest for a snack or meal tomorrow.

17. Sweet Snack: Plan for a sweet snack that's
good for you. A perfect treat is a 6-ounce cup of
calcium-fortified sugar-free or fat-free hot
chocolate; it has only about 50 to 60 calories.

18. Sweet Tea: Avoid sweetened teas, even if
they're labeled natural. Most have water and
high-fructose corn syrup as the first two
ingredients and about 200 calories per serving.

19. Read Labels: Most bottled sweetened beverages
contain at least 2.5 servings per container, or
about 500 calories per 20-ounce bottle. Most drink
the whole bottle!

20. Weight Loss Mantra: Adopt the "Been there,
done that" mentality when it comes to food. For
example, you had a great meal. You're full. When
offered dessert, you think, "Been there, done
that," and take a pass.

21. No White Foods: Avoid "white" salads, dips and
casseroles. White usually means mayonnaise, cream
cheese and sour cream.

22. Whole Grains: Whole Grains have more
nutrition, taste and fiber, and they make you
fuller. Read the nutrition panel on the package;
the first ingredient should be whole wheat or
other whole grain. Wheat or enriched flour doesn't
make it whole wheat.

23. Adventure: Explore the neighborhood on foot,
and don't be a stranger. Wherever you are, take a
stroll around the block and expand your horizons
while getting some exercise.

24. Add Crunch: Instead of salad croutons (usually
high in trans fat), add some chopped walnuts,
almonds, or sunflower seeds. Theyre all good
sources of healthy fat, plus fiber, vitamins and
minerals, too!

25. Portion Control: Mega plates make
average-sized portions look smaller. I serve
everything on salad plates, which helps avoid
portion distortion.

26. Tomato Power: Switch from ketchup to salsa for
excellent antioxidants. Make your own: Add to a
cup of chopped, seeded tomatoes two tablespoons
each of chopped red onion, seeded cucumber, red
pepper and cilantro (optional). Whisk and add to
vegetables two tablespoons of balsamic vinegar,
one teaspoon of olive oil, one teaspoon of lime
juice, one garlic clove, minced and a quarter
teaspoon of black pepper.

27. Anatomy Is Not Destiny: Even if your mother,
father and siblings are overweight, you can
outsmart your genes with a healthy diet and
exercise. Light weight training can actually
change your body type so you can stay slim more

28. Drink to Your Health: A glass of wine with
dinner may have health benefits. Men limit to two;
women stay with one glass. Exceptions to wine
include pregnant women, or if your doctor advises
you abstain.

29. Veggie Power: Snack on quick and easy (and
nutritious) vegetables. Frozen veggies are
ultra-convenient: I love broccoli florets or mixed
zucchini and carrots. Sprinkle with some herbal
seasonings or dehydrated butter flakes.

30. Build Muscle: Replace fat stores with lean
muscle and improve your fat-burning naturally.
Start gradually, and work up to at least three
days a week of training with resistance bands and
light weights. Consult with your doctor if you've
not worked out before.

31. Portion Distortion: Most people underestimate
their intake, and take in more calories daily then
they think. Break out the food diary and, for one
week, measure what you eat and make adjustments if
necessary based on your meal plan.

32. Slow It Down: Eating too fast usually means
eating more than you need. Give your brain time to
catch up with your stomach: It takes about 20
minutes to feel the food, so savor your food. When
you enjoy it more, you'll be satisfied with less.

33. Energy: Health experts tell us that overweight
and obesity increase your risk for heart disease,
Type 2 diabetes and stroke, but there's also the
toll excess weight has on your energy. Overweight
not only makes you feel sluggish, it's hard on
your muscles and tendons.

34. Eat: Don't eat too little! Poor nutrition
decreases energy, and can depress immunity. Too
few calories can play havoc with your metabolism.
Lose weight in a healthy way, with a balanced meal
plan and sufficient calories to fuel your engine.

35. Bad Habits: Do you drink too much (choose as
many as apply to you) Coffee? Alcohol? Soda?
Excess caffeine can keep you up late; the more
caffeinated beverages you drink the stronger the
effect. Some sodas have as much caffeine as a cup
of coffee. Alcohol also negatively affects sleep.

36. Break the Fast: Start your day with breakfast.
Studies show that those who eat breakfast have
more energy for the rest of the day. People who
skip breakfast are not as alert, not as
productive, and tend to be more overweight
compared to people who eat breakfast.

37. New Breakfast: Don't like breakfast foods? Try
a sandwich, and make it a lean one, such as turkey
on whole wheat bread. A fruit smoothie made with
yogurt and fruit is delicious and balanced.

38. Take a Multivitamin: Even if you're eating a
balanced diet, a daily multivitamin is nutritional
insurance that you'll get the minimum of the
requirements you need for energy. Your body can
take advantage of all the foods you eat when you
have all the vitamins and minerals necessary to
complete the chemical reactions needed for energy.

39. Switch To Whole: Whole grains, unpeeled fruit,
salads and vegetables help you maintain your
weight. Unprocessed contain the most valuable
nutrients and energy imaginable. You will feel so
much better when you switch to whole.

40. Reduce White Sugar: If you eat sugar when
you're feeling low you'll create a rebound effect
that makes you crave more sugar. The rush of sugar
is very short-lived, and sugar is essentially just
empty calories, void of vitamins and minerals.

41. Sleep: The average person requires 7.2 hours
of sleep to feel rested. There are exceptions;
Bill Clinton needed only 4 to 5 hours, but Albert
Einstein needed about 10 hours. There is something
to be said for dreaming! Whatever you need, be
sure to get it.

42. Diet Liquids: Fluids are necessary to process
foods and to absorb nutrients; to regulate your
body temperature; and for elimination. Drinking
water is a good habit to learn. Instead of a can
of soda, reach for a glass of water. Sip often;
don't wait until you're thirsty to avoid dehydration.

43. Move: When you park your engine in the garage
and never take it out, it'll rust. Feeling
sluggish? Breathe. Your body needs oxygen; you'll
be amazed at how energetic you'll feel by doing
some deep breathing exercises. Stretch, roll your
shoulders, tense your muscles and then relax; this
will increase the blood flow and energize you
immediately. Increase your heart rate by fast
walking, or dancing, or even marching in place.

44. Prepare to Succeed: Have healthy snacks
available for snack attacks! Buy pre-cut fresh,
crunchy vegetables for a quick snack. Microwave
frozen veggies, and sprinkle with Butter Buds or
herbal seasoning for a tasty snack.

45. Cravings: If you have sugar cravings, keep it
nutritious with a sugar-free hot chocolate. It
goes great with a crisp Granny Smith apple. The
combination of tart and sweet is infinitely

46. Cancel Your Account at the Coffee Shop: Coffee
is an addiction that's shaking our wallets. Are
you stepping out a couple of times a day to buy
coffee? That's an expensive proposition, and is an
unnecessary temptation. I've spoken to people who
say they just "can't resist" the sweet rolls and
cookies in the display case. I say, stay away!

47. Bring Lunch: Buying lunch everyday is a budget
buster, and it's more difficult to control your
calories. Save money by bringing your healthy
lunch and snacks to work or school, and put the
money toward a reward that enhances your health,
such as a new bike or a gym membership.

48. Write in Your Journal: Each day, set aside at
least 10 minutes to log what you ate, when you ate
it, and how you felt when you ate it. Journaling
helps you pinpoint the times when you need more
help, so you can strategize for success.

49. Talk to Yourself: Write a list of affirmations
on a note card to keep in your car, or desk, or
purse. "I will do it," "I am worth it" or "One day
at a time" works well! Read your affirmations
first thing in the morning and throughout the day.
Savor the meaning, and you will succeed.

50. Your Buddy: Walking is more fun with someone;
you'll motivate and support each other. If no
friend is available, use your personal stereo to
listen to your favorite tunes or talk show.


Unknown said...

Good ideas! Self improvement is key and you've given some good ideas to all of us...thanks!